best nps tools

Best NPS tools in 2024

In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, the voice of the customer has never been more critical. This is where NPS tools come into play, offering a straightforward yet powerful way to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty. NPS, or Net Promoter Score, has become a benchmark for understanding customer sentiment, making the choice of NPS software an essential decision for businesses aiming to improve their customer experience. Not only do these tools provide valuable insights into customer loyalty, but they also help in identifying areas needing improvement.

This article aims to simplify your search by highlighting the key features to look for in NPS tools, showcasing the top 5 NPS tools for 2024, and explaining the benefits of using NPS software. 

Key features to look for in NPS tools

Understanding how to choose the right NPS tool for your business can be transformative, offering a direct line to customer feedback and a metric for continuous improvement. These are the most important things you need to check when considering a NPS tool:

Single-question NPS Survey Capability

When selecting NPS tools, it’s crucial to look for the ability to set up a single-question survey. This feature streamlines the process, focusing on the core question: “How likely is it that you would recommend [Organization X] to a friend or colleague?”. This simplicity can help increase response rates and gather consistent data across different customer segments.

Follow-up questions

A robust NPS tool should allow you to add follow-up questions based on the initial response. This capability enables you to delve deeper into customer feedback and understand the reasons behind their scores, which can be pivotal for targeted improvements.

Multi-channel delivery systems

Effective NPS tools should offer multiple delivery channels such as email, website widgets, and in-app surveys. This flexibility ensures that you can reach your customers where they are most likely to respond, enhancing the overall response rate and accuracy of your NPS data.

Customer segmentation and survey scheduling

Look for NPS tools that provide advanced customer segmentation and survey scheduling options. These features allow you to send surveys to specific customer segments at optimal times, increasing the relevance and timeliness of the feedback you receive.

Survey templates and automatic data calculation

To expedite the deployment of NPS surveys, opt for tools that offer pre-designed survey templates and automatic data calculation. This not only saves time but also ensures that you can quickly gauge customer sentiment and react promptly to their feedback.

Top 5 NPS Tools for 2024

Here’s what you came for. These are our favorites:

Qualtrics: widely-used experience management platform that includes NPS measurement and analysis tools. It offers robust survey capabilities and advanced analytics for understanding customer feedback.

Medallia: known for its customer experience management platform, which includes NPS measurement as one of its features. It provides real-time insights and analytics to help businesses improve customer satisfaction.

SurveyMonkey: a popular survey tool that also offers NPS measurement capabilities. It is user-friendly and allows for quick deployment of NPS surveys to gather feedback from customers.

Delighted: a customer feedback platform that specializes in NPS surveys. It provides easy-to-use tools for collecting, analyzing, and acting on NPS feedback to drive improvements in customer satisfaction.

AskNicely: a dedicated NPS software that focuses on measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. It offers features like real-time feedback monitoring, automated survey distribution, and integration with popular CRM systems.

Benefits of using NPS tools

NPS software helps you gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction by offering a simple yet effective metric: the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This score categorizes your customers into promoters, passives, and detractors based on their likelihood to recommend your services. By analyzing these categories, you can understand the overall customer sentiment towards your brand and identify areas for improvement. The NPS survey itself asks customers to rate their likelihood of recommending your product on a scale from 1 to 10, which simplifies the process of measuring satisfaction. Let’s look at some other benefits:

Improving customer service and product offerings

By implementing NPS software, you can gather actionable feedback that informs improvements in customer service and product offerings. This system allows you to identify specific issues that detractors are facing and address them promptly to improve their experience. Additionally, by understanding the pain points and drivers of customer satisfaction from the feedback, you can make targeted enhancements to your services or products, thereby potentially converting passives into promoters and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Facilitating growth through positive word-of-mouth

A robust NPS system not only tracks customer satisfaction but also promotes growth through positive word-of-mouth. High NPS scores are indicative of a healthy number of promoters who are likely to recommend your brand to others, thereby increasing your customer base organically. The NPS methodology effectively turns customer feedback into a growth lever by highlighting the positive experiences of your promoters and leveraging them to attract new customers.

Automating and streamlining feedback collection 

NPS software automates the feedback collection and analysis process, making it easier for businesses to implement and maintain. This automation includes real-time data collection, analysis, and reporting, which helps businesses respond quickly to customer feedback. By integrating NPS tools with existing platforms like CRM systems, businesses can streamline their feedback processes and ensure that the feedback is distributed across the company promptly and efficiently.

How to choose the right NPS tool for your business

There are a variety of features an NPS tool can offer. We’ve created a mini guide you can follow to help you choose your priorities.

Customer base size

When choosing an NPS tool, start by identifying why you want to use it. Are you aiming to boost customer loyalty, reduce churn, or improve overall satisfaction? Knowing your goals will guide you in selecting an NPS survey tool that aligns with your business objectives. Additionally, consider the size of your customer base. A tool that scales according to your growth is crucial, as your needs will evolve as your customer base expands.

Diversity of survey channels 

It’s essential to select an NPS tool that offers multiple channels for collecting feedback, such as email, SMS, web, and mobile apps. This diversity ensures that you can reach your customers through their preferred channels, maximizing response rates and capturing feedback from diverse customer segments.

Integration with other software

Your NPS tool should seamlessly integrate with the existing systems you use, such as CRM software like Salesforce or marketing platforms like HubSpot. This integration enables a streamlined workflow, ensuring that customer feedback is directly linked with your customer data, enhancing the insights you can gather.

Comparing pricing and features

Finally, consider the pricing and features of various NPS tools. Understand your budget and compare what each tool offers within your price range. Most NPS tools offer different tiers and features, so choose one that provides the best value for your investment. Additionally, look for tools that offer robust analytics and reporting features to help you make informed decisions based on the feedback collected.


It’s not only about the importance of choosing the right NPS tool but also about the profound impact these tools have on harnessing customer feedback to foster growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately, drive business success. As you’ve seen, the cornerstone of effective customer engagement and feedback collection lies in the strategic application of these tools, ensuring businesses stay closely connected with their customer base.

Recognizing the pivotal role NPS tools play in decoding customer sentiment, it becomes imperative for businesses to assess and embrace an NPS tool that seamlessly integrates with their operational dynamics. Choosing a tool that reflects the business’ size, customer engagement channels, and analytical requirements is pivotal. The insights garnered from this selection process can significantly propel a business towards achieving higher customer satisfaction levels and bolstering loyalty.

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Written by GrowFrog

A marketing tool for online reputation management and increasing conversions