encuestas por email

The complete email surveys guide [2024]

Email surveys are a useful tool in market research, customer feedback, and employee engagement. As the name suggests, it’s the distribution of surveys via email, enabling businesses to gather valuable insights and opinions from their target audience.

At their core, email surveys serve as a direct line of communication between businesses or researchers and their intended respondents. By leveraging the widespread use of email as a communication medium, organizations can reach out to a large and diverse audience with relative ease.

What are email surveys?

These surveys typically consist of a series of questions designed to elicit specific responses from participants. Questions can vary widely depending on the objectives of the survey, ranging from inquiries about customer satisfaction and product feedback to queries about market trends.

You can use specialized survey software or platforms to design custom surveys tailored to your specific needs. These surveys can be formatted with various question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, Likert scale, and more.

Why are email surveys useful for businesses?

Email surveys offer numerous benefits for businesses across various industries. Here are some key advantages:


Email surveys are a cost-effective method of collecting feedback and data compared to traditional methods such as phone interviews or paper surveys. There are no printing or postage costs involved, and survey software or platforms often offer affordable subscription plans.


Both businesses and respondents benefit from the convenience of email surveys. Businesses can easily create, distribute, and analyze surveys using online tools, while respondents can complete the surveys at their own pace and from any location with internet access.

Global reach

With email surveys, businesses can reach a global audience without geographical limitations. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to expand their market reach.

Fast data collection

Email surveys allow for rapid data collection and analysis. Businesses can gather feedback from a large number of respondents within a short period, enabling them to make timely decisions and adjustments based on real-time insights.

Targeted audience

Email surveys enable businesses to target specific audience segments based on demographics, purchasing behavior, or other criteria. This targeted approach ensures that surveys are relevant to the recipients, leading to higher response rates and more accurate data.

Anonymous feedback

Email surveys provide respondents with the option to remain anonymous, which encourages honest and candid feedback. This anonymity can lead to more valuable insights for businesses, as respondents may feel more comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of repercussions.

Data analysis tools

Many survey software platforms offer robust data analysis tools that allow businesses to easily interpret survey results. From customizable reports to visualizations such as charts and graphs, these tools help businesses derive actionable insights from survey data.

Continuous improvement

By regularly conducting email surveys, businesses can gather feedback on their products, services, and operations, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and implement changes accordingly. This iterative process of feedback and improvement is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and meeting customer expectations.

Overall, email surveys offer businesses a cost-effective, efficient, and scalable method of collecting valuable feedback and data from their target audience. By leveraging the benefits of email surveys, businesses can gain valuable insights, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

Disadvantages of Email Surveys

While email surveys offer numerous benefits, they also come with several drawbacks that you should be aware of:

Low response rates

One of the primary challenges of email surveys is the risk of low response rates. Despite the convenience of completing surveys online, many recipients may ignore or delete survey invitations without responding. This can lead to a biased sample and reduced reliability of the survey results.

Potential for bias

Email surveys may suffer from selection bias, as respondents who choose to participate may not be representative of the entire population. This can skew the survey results and lead to inaccurate conclusions, especially if certain demographic groups are overrepresented or underrepresented in the sample.

Limited depth of responses

Email surveys often rely on multiple-choice or Likert scale questions, which may limit the depth of responses compared to open-ended questions or qualitative research methods. As a result, email surveys may not capture nuanced or detailed feedback from respondents, hindering the ability to gain comprehensive insights.

Technical issues

Email surveys are susceptible to technical issues that can affect deliverability and response rates. Emails may get caught in spam filters or blocked by email servers, preventing recipients from receiving the survey invitations. Additionally, formatting issues or compatibility issues with different email clients and devices may impact the presentation and usability of the survey.

Limited personalization

Mass emails sent for survey invitations may lack personalization, leading to reduced engagement and response rates. Recipients may be more likely to ignore generic survey invitations that do not address them by name or tailor the message to their specific interests or concerns. Lack of personalization can also contribute to survey fatigue among recipients who receive numerous unsolicited emails.

Data privacy concerns

Email surveys involve the collection of personal data from respondents, including email addresses and survey responses. Organizations must ensure compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR and CCPA to safeguard respondent privacy and prevent unauthorized access or misuse of survey data.

Limited reach

While email surveys have the potential to reach a wide audience, they may not be effective for reaching certain demographic groups, such as older adults or people with limited internet access. These groups may be less likely to use email regularly or may have difficulty navigating online surveys, resulting in underrepresentation in the survey sample.

Overcoming survey fatigue

With the proliferation of online surveys, respondents may experience survey fatigue and become less willing to participate in additional surveys, including email surveys. You need to carefully consider the frequency and timing of survey invitations to avoid overwhelming recipients and ensure a higher likelihood of response.

By acknowledging and addressing these disadvantages, you can mitigate potential challenges associated with email surveys and maximize the effectiveness of their survey research efforts. Strategies such as improving survey design, optimizing email delivery, and enhancing data privacy measures can help overcome these limitations and enhance the reliability and validity of email survey results.

Email surveys: examples

These expanded examples of email survey questions are designed to elicit specific insights and feedback relevant to each type of survey. 

By carefully crafting questions tailored to the objectives of the survey, you can gather valuable data to inform decision-making and improve their products, services, and operations.

Customer satisfaction survey

  • Overall satisfaction

   – How satisfied are you with our products/services?

   – On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our products/services to a friend or colleague?

  • Product/service quality

   – How would you rate the quality of our products/services?

   – What specific features of our products/services do you find most valuable?

  • Customer service

   – How would you rate the helpfulness and responsiveness of our customer service team?

   – Have you encountered any issues while interacting with our customer service team? If yes, please elaborate.

  • Purchasing experience

   – How easy was it to find and purchase the products/services you were looking for?

   – Did you encounter any difficulties during the checkout process? If yes, please specify.

  • Feedback and suggestions

   – What improvements would you like to see in our products/services?

   – Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your experience with our company?

Market research survey

  • Consumer preferences

   – What factors influence your purchasing decisions when buying [product/service]?

   – Which brands do you currently prefer or purchase from in this category?

  • Product/service awareness

   – Are you familiar with our brand/products/services?

   – How did you first hear about our brand/products/services?

  • Buying behavior

   – How often do you purchase [product/service]?

   – What channels do you typically use to research products/services before making a purchase?

  • Competitor analysis

   – Are you currently purchasing products/services from other providers? If yes, please specify.

   – What do you perceive as the strengths and weaknesses of [your brand]?

How to Send a Survey via Email

Sending a survey via email requires careful planning and execution to maximize response rates and gather meaningful insights. 

Follow these steps to ensure a successful email survey campaign:

Choose a survey platform

Select a reliable survey platform such as SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or Typeform. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces for creating, distributing, and analyzing surveys.

Create your survey

Design your survey using the chosen platform, taking into account the objectives of your survey and the type of questions you want to ask. Ensure that the survey is well-structured, easy to understand, and mobile-responsive for optimal accessibility.

Prepare your email list

Compile a list of email addresses for your survey recipients. This list may include customers, employees, subscribers, or other target audience segments. Ensure that your email list is up-to-date and segmented appropriately for targeted outreach.

Craft a compelling email

Write a clear and engaging email message to accompany your survey. Personalize the email subject line and greeting to increase open rates. Clearly explain the purpose of the survey, how long it will take to complete, and why the recipient’s feedback is valuable.

Include a CTA

Encourage recipients to participate in the survey by including a prominent call-to-action button or link within the email. Use persuasive language to motivate recipients to click through and complete the survey.

Optimize email design

Ensure that your email is visually appealing and easy to read on both desktop and mobile devices. Use concise paragraphs, bullet points, and visual elements to break up the text and maintain reader engagement.

Test your email

Before sending the email survey to your entire list, conduct a test and send it to yourself or a small group of colleagues to check for any formatting issues or errors. Verify that all links and buttons are working correctly and that the survey is displaying properly.

Schedule delivery

Choose an optimal time and day to send your email survey for maximum visibility and response rates. Avoid sending the survey during peak hours or weekends when recipients may be less likely to engage with their emails.


Send follow-up reminders to recipients who have not yet completed the survey. Use a friendly tone and emphasize the importance of their feedback in driving meaningful improvements. Consider sending multiple reminders at strategic intervals to maximize response rates.

Track responses and analyze data

Monitor the responses to your email survey in real-time using the survey platform’s analytics dashboard. Track key metrics such as response rate, completion rate, and individual question responses. Use this data to identify trends, insights, and areas for improvement.

With careful planning and execution, email surveys can be a powerful tool for collecting actionable insights and driving business growth.

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Written by GrowFrog

A marketing tool for online reputation management and increasing conversions