reasons not buy reviews

Reasons to not buy reviews

If you’re considering buying reviews to boost your small business or SaaS company’s online reputation, pause for a moment. Purchasing fake feedback may seem tempting for a quick ratings lift, but it’s a risky tactic that can severely backfire. The downsides of buying reviews far outweigh any potential short-term gains – from legal consequences to irreparably damaging your brand’s credibility.

You’re better off putting in the hard work to earn genuine customer reviews over time. This article explores the pitfalls of buying reviews and why prioritizing authentic feedback is crucial for building trust and long-term success. We’ll also share strategies for ethically obtaining more positive reviews from your actual customers.

The risks of buying fake reviews

There are several consequences of buying reviews in ‘real’ and ‘digital’ life as well. Let’s discover the main ones:

Legal implications and penalties

Buying Google reviews can potentially violate various laws, including those related to false advertising, consumer protection, and unfair competition. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is actively cracking down on deceptive practices, and businesses found guilty of buying reviews can face hefty fines and even lawsuits.

Specifically, buying fake reviews violates false advertising laws and consumer protection laws. The FTC in the US, an independent agency that works to prevent fraudulent and deceptive business practices, is seeking to prohibit the creation, purchase, and dissemination of fake consumer reviews. Recent legal action taken by Amazon against two review brokers, who were sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for orchestrating deceptive practices, underscores the severity of the issue.

Misleading customers and damaging trust

Fake reviews mislead customers, leading to poor purchase decisions and unhappy customers. When a brand or retailer is found out for these unsavory practices, it can cause irreparable damage to their reputation. If consumers don’t feel they can trust a company, they’re unlikely to make a purchase.

Consumers are becoming increasingly savvy in identifying fake reviews, and when they find out that a company has resorted to buying reviews, it can lead to a significant loss of trust and credibility. This loss of trust can further damage the brand’s reputation, potentially resulting in a decline in customer loyalty and a decrease in sales.

Short-term results and long-term consequences

In the short term, suppressing negative reviews and publishing fraudulent ones can be a quick way to improve a brand’s image and grow sales. However, in the end, these practices cause lasting damage. Not only is buying reviews morally questionable, but it’s also risky business. Despite what vendors may claim, you probably won’t outsmart anyone, and you’re certainly not going to fool customers, platforms, or the FTC for long.

You must put in the work to build up a collection of genuine, trustworthy social proof instead. Your bottom line, reputation, and conscience will thank you. Instead of taking shortcuts to build rock-solid online reputations, put effort into creating products and services that can stand behind themselves.

How Google detects fake reviews

No one is smarter than Google… Trying to trick it is a loss of valuable resources. Here’s how the algorithm finds fake reviews:

Advanced algorithms and spam detection

Google employs sophisticated algorithms to detect and remove fake reviews that are likely spam. These automated measures are designed to improve user experiences on Google by displaying authentic, relevant, and useful reviews. The algorithms analyze patterns over time to identify suspicious review activity quickly, such as identical reviews copied across business pages or sudden spikes of 1-star and 5-star ratings.

Google has implemented a new algorithm that can rapidly identify and remove misleading or deceptive information amidst the high volume of incoming data. This algorithm can detect coordinated efforts to post scam reviews, preventing the further spread of deceptive reviews. For instance, it identified a scam where people were paid to write false positive reviews, allowing Google to take action and shut it down.

The new machine learning system detects suspicious review patterns more quickly and accurately than previous methods. Google reports that the accuracy of identifying fake reviews has improved by 45% compared to 2022, giving businesses more confidence that their online ratings primarily reflect real customer experiences.

User-reported suspicious reviews

In addition to automated detection, Google also relies on user reports to identify and remove fake reviews. If you notice suspicious activity, such as a large volume of reviews posted by the same account in a short period or reviews written in the same style, you can report them to Google. Google has a team of human reviewers who manually assess the validity of reported reviews by looking for signs of manipulation.

Google encourages users to report only reviews that violate their policies and not simply disagree with a review or dislike it. Google doesn’t get involved when businesses and customers disagree about facts, as there’s no reliable way to determine who’s right about a particular customer experience.

Inconsistencies in review content and patterns

Google’s algorithms can detect inconsistencies in review content and patterns that may indicate fake activity. For example, if a user leaves a 1-star rating for a local establishment far from their usual whereabouts and then comments on the quality of food at a restaurant in a different part of the world, it raises red flags. The machine learning algorithm can easily discern such inconsistencies, flagging reviews posted across diverse locations but originating from the same user.

Analyzing review patterns and ratings can also provide insights into the authenticity of reviews. Look for suspiciously consistent patterns, such as a high number of positive reviews with similar wording or a sudden spike in ratings. Genuine reviews tend to vary in language and sentiment, reflecting the diverse experiences of customers.

Examining reviewer profiles and activity can help spot fake reviews. If a reviewer has only posted a handful of reviews or has a large number of reviews posted within a short timeframe, it could be a sign of fake activity. Genuine reviewers often have a more established presence with a history of reviewing various businesses.

Google is actively combating fake reviews and ratings originating from click farms by implementing stringent measures. These click farms generate fraudulent activity, tarnishing the integrity of reviews. Google has strengthened its verification process, employing advanced machine learning models to scrutinize profiles for any suspicious behavior, distinguishing legitimate businesses from those engaged in fraudulent activities.

The importance of authentic reviews

Your business can benefit from real reviews in many different ways:

Building credibility and trust

Authentic reviews are the cornerstone of building trust and credibility for your business. They serve as social proof, providing potential customers with insights into the real experiences of others. Positive reviews can assure new customers that they can rely on your business for quality products or services, alleviating any reservations or fears they may have. When potential customers see positive reviews from satisfied clients, it builds confidence in your brand’s trustworthiness.

Customer reviews reflect your business’s transparency and responsiveness, further developing trust with your audience. Testimonials also play a crucial role in establishing credibility by showcasing real people who have had positive experiences with your products or services. This humanizes your brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy. Overall, authentic reviews and testimonials are powerful tools for businesses to build credibility and attract new customers.

Providing valuable customer feedback

Authentic reviews offer invaluable customer feedback that can drive business growth. By actively seeking and using this feedback, you gain insights into your customers’ needs and preferences, allowing you to make informed decisions and strategic adjustments. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business growth.

Furthermore, positive customer reviews can serve as powerful marketing tools, helping to attract new customers and build a positive reputation for your business. Even negative feedback presents an opportunity – by addressing it promptly and professionally, you can showcase your dedication to customer service and build a positive online reputation.

Improving products and services

A detailed, authentic review provides in-depth information about your products or services, highlighting their quality, features, and potential limitations. This feedback allows you to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments, ultimately enhancing your offerings.

Responding to negative reviews demonstrates that you take customer feedback seriously and are committed to analyzing and improving based on that feedback. This level of transparency and responsiveness strengthens the relationship between your brand and your customers, fostering long-term loyalty.

By leveraging authentic reviews, you can gain a competitive edge by continuously refining your products or services to better meet the evolving needs and expectations of your customers.

Strategies for obtaining genuine reviews

By now, the temptation to buy fake reviews should be gone, as the long-term benefits of obtaining genuine feedback far outweigh any shortcuts. Let’s explore effective strategies for acquiring authentic reviews that reflect the true customer experience and contribute to the growth and success of your business. 

Encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews

Actively seeking reviews from satisfied customers is a highly effective strategy for obtaining genuine feedback. You shouldn’t just focus on getting reviews; you need to focus on getting good reviews by encouraging reviews after a customer has expressed satisfaction. Utilize tools like Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to identify promoters – customers who are highly likely to recommend your business – and follow up with an automated email requesting a positive review.

Another approach is to privately ask customers to rate your business first. If they indicate they would give a 5-star rating, then encourage them to write a review. However, if they express dissatisfaction, address their concerns, resolve any issues, and go the extra mile to ensure they have a positive experience before requesting a review.

Offering incentives or discounts

Offering incentives can significantly increase the likelihood of customers leaving reviews. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of consumers say they’d be motivated to write a review if offered an incentive. The most effective incentive is providing a free product, with 91% of consumers indicating they’d be motivated to write a review in exchange for a complimentary item (Power Reviews).

Early access to a product can also motivate consumers to leave reviews, with 85% of consumers stating they’d be motivated by receiving a product before its general release. Offering coupons or discounts can also encourage reviews, with 67% of consumers indicating they’d be motivated to write a review in exchange for a discount. Additionally, 59% of consumers would be motivated to leave a review if they could earn loyalty points with the store or brand.

When offering incentives, make it clear in your email subject line or communication to attract as many respondents as possible.

Responding to reviews and addressing concerns

Responding to customer reviews, both positive and negative, is crucial for maintaining and enhancing your business’s online reputation. Acknowledging feedback and addressing concerns demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and provides an opportunity to showcase your values.

Responding to negative reviews promptly and offering solutions or compensation can resolve issues with dissatisfied customers and showcase your willingness to learn and improve. Customizing responses with the reviewer’s name and referring to specific details from their review adds a personal touch and shows you’ve carefully considered their experience.

Expressing empathy in review responses can help build rapport and foster trust with customers. Designate specific team members to manage and respond to reviews to ensure accountability and consistency in handling customer feedback. Regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your review response efforts to make informed adjustments and continually improve your customer service and online reputation.


Building a strong online presence and reputation is crucial for small businesses and SaaS companies in today’s digital age. While the temptation to purchase fake reviews may seem alluring, it’s a short-sighted approach that carries severe risks and long-term consequences. Authentic customer reviews serve as the bedrock of trust and credibility, providing valuable insights to improve products and services while fostering customer loyalty.

By actively encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews, offering incentives, and promptly addressing feedback, businesses can cultivate a collection of genuine testimonials that showcase their commitment to excellence. Embracing transparency and prioritizing customer satisfaction is the key to building a positive online reputation that resonates with potential customers and drives sustainable growth.


What are the potential negative effects of relying on reviews?

The drawbacks of depending on reviews include several significant aspects:

Reputation impact: reviews can significantly affect how your business is perceived by the public.

Trust issues: an abundance of negative reviews, or the complete absence of reviews, can undermine the credibility of your business.

Increased expenses: using third-party review platforms may incur additional costs.

Is purchasing positive reviews against the law?

Yes, in the US, buying positive reviews can lead to legal repercussions. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued guidelines regarding the collection of online reviews, stating that purchasing reviews is a violation of its policies and could subject your company to legal action.

What are the drawbacks of having fake reviews?

Fake reviews come with their own set of disadvantages, including:

Customer disappointment: setting unrealistically high expectations through fake reviews often leads to customer dissatisfaction when the actual product or service fails to deliver.

Brand misrepresentation: regardless of their positive nature, fake reviews can harm your brand by creating a misleading image of your business in the public eye.

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Written by GrowFrog

A marketing tool for online reputation management and increasing conversions